Republic of Belarus – ВACBT
Public Association “Belarusian Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”
Official address:
89 Maximа Bogdanovichа Street, office 44
220123 Minsk
Republic of Belarus
Telephone: +375-296345527
Head and EABCT-representative:
Dzyakau Dzmitry
General Information:
● Number of members: 65
● Founded on 08.04.2019
● Joined EACBT on 08.09.2022
● Official Language: Russian
● Who can be a member: a citizen of the Republic of Belarus who is a specialist in mental health care or a student in the same field can become a member.
Training programs accredited by EACBT:
● Law intensity CBT (CBT+) program for consulting and coaching (together with Ukrainian Association for CBT)
Collections of articles and materials of annual international scientific and practical conferences that take place in Minsk: “Cognitive-behavioral approach in counseling and psychotherapy”.
Main activities of our association:
1. Organization of scientific and practical conferences and seminars in the field of CBT.
2. Organization of training projects in the field of classic cognitive behavioral therapy and third wave CBT (mindfulness, schema therapy, AСT, DBT).
3. Formation of CBT quality and ethical standards in the Republic of Belarus.