Personality Disorders
Scientific interest group
Chair: Michele Procacci and Donatella Fiore
Often those who suffer from personality disorders are not conscious , but his/her personal and social relationships are dysfunctional. Anxiety, depression, worries , alcohol and substances abuse are often associated with these disorders. Some with BPD exceed in impulsiveness and self harming behaviors, which require frequent hospitalizations. The family burden in these cases is very strong. The consequences on the contexts of education, work, social groups are obvious and bring these individuals to have no well-being, but rather to remain in situations of prolonged psychological distress. Clinicians and researchers for years have been engaged in understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of these forms of mental illness and to practice forms of treatment empirically supported.
The purpose of the Scientific Interest Group on Personality Disorder (SIG on PD’s) within EABCT is to promote contact between researchers and clinicians from various countries, to have them compare on key issues, to clarify the theoretical assumptions, the areas of research, to exchange information on the studies conducted in different countries, to organize meetings, seminars and workshops.
So the EABCT SIG on PDs, who had a first meeting of constitution in the EABCT congress in Marrakesh, want to promote a panel of international experts on the PDs less formal and more interactive, in order to promote a larger dissemination of clinical models and treatments currently practiced on these individuals, evidence-based and oriented on the cognitive – behavioral common model.
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