Projects are a new way of EABCT encouraging and promoting the development of CBT throughout its European network. Since their introduction in 2010, Member Associations have the opportunity to plan and organize scientific activities for further training, research and collaboration between different regions, and receive partial or full financial support (funding).
A wide range of project proposals is received annually: intensive workshops, scientific meetings, specialized training and new research. A format for submitting proposals has been developed and Member Associations are invited to apply for funding before December 1st each year, for projects that will be initiated in the following year. Applications clearly describe the project’s goals and are supported by a budget plan and timetable that enables the project to be completed and evaluated in a reasonable timescale. When a project is approved, frequent reports on its progress and dissemination of the information and outcome is expected, for the advantage of all Member Associations.
A project should have a clear goal and aim. It should be supported by a budget plan and timetable that enables it to be completed and evaluated in a reasonable timescale. There must be a plan to report on the project and disseminate the information and benefits that it will hopefully have realized to EABCT and its member associations. A wide range of projects are acceptable including workshops, meetings, training and research.
Funding for projects is only available if supported by a budget plan. The funding agreed must be used to finance costs associated with the main aims of the project, i.e. publicity and promotion, travel and associated costs for people contributing to the project, direct costs of running the project, etc. It may not be used for social events that may accompany the project.
Those responsible for negotiating the expenditure on the project must ensure that they get value for money and should only fund the fees of speakers/lecturers at a reasonable rate and travel costs at economy rates.
The association(s) leading on the project will send receipts/invoices to the EABCT Treasurer for payment once the project has been completed. The Treasurer will ensure that the association is reimbursed on receipt for the receipts/invoices.
The association(s) leading on the project will send a report to the secretary of EABCT once the project has been completed. This report will detail how the funding has been used and how the project has succeeded in meeting the aims as proposed. A list of those people who have contributed and have benefited from the project should be included together with feedback from those who participated.
The association(s) leading on the project will present the outcome of the project at a formal meeting of EABCT (General meeting or Representatives meeting), based on their report, as soon as possible after the project has been completed.
Information from the projects will be made freely available to EABCT and all member associations either directly or via the website and/or newsletter. Associations will also be expected to provide progress reports on their projects on a regular basis to the general meetings of EABCT.
In the EABCT rules (article 9) you can find more information about rules and procedures for projects.
Applications for projects must be submitted to the board of EABCT before the 30th of September.
Projects Application form September 2018