Worry, Rumination and Repetitive Thinking
Special Interest Group
Chair: Patrícia M. Pascoal & Giovanni Maria Ruggiero
Repetitive negative thinking (RNT), such as worry and rumination, are perseverative thinking styles and transdiagnostic cognitive mechanisms that contribute to personal distress, negative emotional states, and emotional mal-adjustment. They are well established correlates of anxiety and depression acting both as risk and maintenance factors and have, therefore, gained centrality in current models of psychopathology and intervention programs.
As EABCT members we will continue the work started some time ago as a Special Interest Group (SIG) on worry, rumination and repetitive thinking.
The current program of the SIG is:
- Organizing symposiums and other initiatives for EABCT conferences
- Organizing meetings for representatives / people experienced or interested in the area and submitting project plans for such meetings
- Developing and support member’s initiatives related to RNT, promoting and creating awareness;
- Maintain and dynamize a LinkedIn forum and exchanging experience, knowledge, practice and research by means of this LinkedIn forum and/or direct communication between participants of the associations
Find the SIG Worry, Rumination and Repetitive Thinking on LinkedIn