Worry, rumination and other kind of repetitive and perseverative thinking styles contribute to both anxiety and depression (Borkovec, Robinson, Pruzinsky, & DePree, 1983; Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991). Empirical research has repeatedly demonstrated that repetitive thinking is involved in risk for anxious and depressive symptoms and episodes (Calmes & Roberts, 2007).
Therefore, this group of EABCT members takes the initiative to start a Special Interest Group (SIG) on worry, rumination and repetitive thinking. Founding participants of the SIG are:
Tom Borkovec tdb@psu.edu Department of Psychology The Pennsylvania State University 141 Moore Bldg University Park, PA 16802-3106
Celine Baeyens celine.baeyens@upmf-grenoble.fr tél. +33 (0)4 76 82 58 94cBureau 244b UFR Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société , Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Psychologie-Personnalité, Cognition, Changement Social (Fusion de l’Equipes d’Accueil EA LPS 600 et de la Jeune Equipe JE LPC 2401), UFR SHS – Département Psychologie
Gabriele Caselli g.caselli@studicognitivi.net “Studi Cognitivi” “Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Ricerca” Specialization School in Cognitive Therapy, Milano and Modena
Jessica Grisham jessicag@unsw.edu.au University of New South Wales Sidney
Elizabeth Hebert hebert.eliz@gmail.com, , Psychology Department, Anxiety Disorders Laboratory, Concordia University, Montréal
Colette Hirsh colette.hirsch@kcl.ac.uk King’s CoIlege London, United Kingdom
Chiara Manfredi c.manfredi@studicognitivi.net “Studi Cognitivi” “Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Ricerca” Specialization School in Cognitive Therapy, Milano and Modena
Michelle Moulds m.moulds@unsw.edu.au University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Giovanni M. Ruggiero gm.ruggiero@studicognitivi.net, “Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Ricerca” Specialization School in Cognitive Therapy, Milano
Sandra Sassaroli s.sassaroli@studicognitivi.net, “Studi Cognitivi” Specialization School in Cognitive Therapy, Milano
Maurice Topper m.topper@uva.nl University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The program of the SIG is:
1. Founding a LinkedIn forum and exchanging experience, knowledge, practice and research by means of this LinkedIn forum and/or direct communication between participants of the associations
2. Organising symposia for the next EABCT conferences
3. Organizing meetings for representatives / people experienced or interested in the area and submitting project plans for such meetings to the next general meeting of the EABCT in March 2013.
Borkovec, T., Robinson, E., Pruzinsky, T., & DePree, J. (1983). Preliminary exploration of worry: Some characteristics and processes. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 21, 9-16.
Calmes, C. A., Roberts, J. E. (2007).Repetitive Thought and Emotional Distress: Rumination and Worry as Prospective Predictors of Depressive and Anxious Symptomatology. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 30, 343-356.